Here's the abreviated version:
I've done a lot of traveling, a lot of sole searching, and a lot of writing.
I moved to New York after leaving UVA. I did a few different things in my time there: I was a personal assistant, I worked at Crate and Barrel, and I eventually got into Commercial Real Estate. It was a very eye opening experience and I got to test the waters on several different things. Mainly, I realized what I didn't want to do for the rest of my life.
I met a lot of great people while in New York. The experience was enough for a few novels in fact. The city is more than a place to live, it's a social experiment on a scale that is hard for a small town to wrestle with. My everyday hustle was one that I will never forget. I worked hard and felt like I was barely treading to stay above water, which is why I eventually decided to head for home and regroup.
After a great holiday, I found myself back in Charlottesville. I'm looking for permanent jobs and have been working as a Barista. [Imagine the names I come up with on those cups!-spelling was never my forte.]
I've done a lot of writing over the past year. I maintained a column in my hometown newspaper called Barbour Archi- Talks, I discussed issues with the local preservation efforts there. It was an exciting venture that unfortunately got lost in the shuffle of those city streets.
The highs of the past year have been watching my niece and nephew grow more. Kenleigh is 2 now and she has a LOT to say. Cole is 4 and he is keeping everyone on their toes. They bring us all so much joy-especially their grandparents. My grandma celebrated her 90th with a surprise birthday party. It was a great event with all of my family.
The lows have been the loss of a few close family friends.
Without more to say I'll let the pictures do some of the talking.
Box seats at the WVU game. Great time thanks to my big sister(This is as decked out in WVU garb as I get.)
:This is at the Hambletonian Races at the Meadowlands Racetrack. I was there with the girls of Horse and Country Style and Jen who has done an amazing job with her dream of making the magazine a reality. I'm glad I can say 'I knew her when.'
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